Call of Cthulhu Character Sheet

Call of Cthulhu character sheet

Here’s my collection of Call of Cthulhu character sheets. CoC is one of the oldest and best RPGs ever created.

This collection of Call of Cthulhu character sheets begins with the official 7th edition sheets from publisher Chaosium and then reaches around the web.

Call of Cthulhu Character Sheets on DriveThruRPG

These are official character sheets from Chaosium and all include Auto-Calc versions.

Call of Cthulhu Character Sheets from Around the Web

Call of Cthulhu RPG Core Rulebooks

Call of Cthulhu RPG Podcast Interviews

I’ve interviewed CoC RPG creator Sandy Petersen as well as CoC 7th edition designer Mike Mason. Take a listen to learn about this classic tabletop role-playing game.

Need Other Character Sheets?

I have a huge collection of RPG character sheets for many systems.