How to list volunteer work experience on your resume

Are you looking for a job? Thinking about a career change? Want to just earn a little extra money? Reach deep to discover and articulate more of your skills and you can land the position of your dreams.

Whatever your situation, you may find yourself wanting to showcase some of your non-paid work experiences. What constitutes non-paid work experience? Here are some examples:

  1. If you've ever led an organized group for children, you have non-paid experience under your belt. Being a Cub Scout Leader, Girl Scout Leader, or Eagle Scout Leader involves numerous skills and talents. More about that later.
  2. Volunteer stints certainly count. If you've ever been a volunteer, you know the dedication, skill, and work it requires.
  3. Being a member of your local school's Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) can be considered non-paid work experience.
  4. Serving on community committees would certainly count.
  5. Perhaps you've done a lot of babysitting over the years for neighbors, friends, and family members. Babysitting requires many skills that can be showcased on a resume or in an interview.

Exploring Skills and Experiences

Determining the skills used and the tasks completed for each non-paid work experience takes a little time. Let's consider the above-listed examples and review sample skills and duties for each.