101 Amazing Eagle Scout Project Ideas

The Eagle Scout Project is the largest and most recognizable part of earning the rank of Eagle. Eagle Scouts are known for their work in improving community areas such as parks, schools and trails. But deciding what you want to do for your project can be a very difficult. In this article, I’ll give you 101 ideas for your Eagle Project. Remember that the project is designed to benefit an organization other than Scouting in the community. I recommend reaching out to organizations you are/were apart of in the area and seeing if they are in need of any services. For example, my Eagle Project involved building garbage cans for the local recreational soccer club that I both played and refereed for.

Now here are 51 ideas that you could do for your own Eagle Project. A lot of these ideas come from Eagle Projects I’ve seen in my community or personally taken apart in.

Project Ideas

  1. Community Garden Construction
  2. Trail Maintenance for Local Parks
  3. Wildlife Habitat Restoration Project
  4. Outdoor Classroom Construction
  5. Bench Installation in Public Spaces
  6. Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup Program
  7. Tree Planting Initiative
  8. Historical Cemetery Restoration
  9. School Playground Renovation
  10. Public Library Enhancement Project
  11. Birdhouse Construction and Installation
  12. Veterans Memorial Beautification
  13. Outdoor Fitness Equipment Installation
  14. Building Little Free Libraries
  15. Painting Murals in Public Spaces
  16. Creation of a Nature Education Trail
  17. Construction of Bat Houses for Conservation
  18. Campsite Improvement Project
  19. Emergency Preparedness Workshop for the Community
  20. Building and Installing Dog Park Amenities
  21. Creation of a Community Compost Program
  22. Construction of Park Benches from Recycled Materials
  23. Riverbank Cleanup and Erosion Control
  24. Painting a Community Center or Youth Center
  25. Installing Solar-Powered Lights in Dark Areas
  26. Building Bird and Butterfly Watching Stations
  27. Construction of Raised Garden Beds for Seniors
  28. Creation of a Community Art Installation
  29. Installation of Water Bottle Filling Stations
  30. Construction of Picnic Tables for Parks
  31. Enhancement of Local Nature Reserves
  32. Building Outdoor Learning Stations for Schools
  33. Trail Marking and Signage Project
  34. Creation of a Community Cookbook for Fundraising
  35. Construction of a Community Message Board
  36. Beautification of Senior Living Facilities
  37. Building a Community Food Pantry
  38. Creation of a Storytelling Garden for Children
  39. Installing Bike Racks in Popular Areas
  40. Painting and Repairing Playground Equipment
  41. Creation of a Community Mural Wall
  42. Installation of Outdoor Fitness Stations
  43. Building Portable Seating for Community Events
  44. Construction of Shade Structures for Parks
  45. Establishment of a Community Farmers’ Market
  46. Construction of a Disc Golf Course
  47. Creation of a Butterfly Garden
  48. Building Information Kiosks for Trails
  49. Organizing a Community Health and Safety Fair
  50. Installation of Rain Barrels for Water Conservation
  51. Construction of a Community Orchard
  52. Creation of a Historical Walking Tour
  53. Building Picnic Shelters for Public Use
  54. Installation of Bike Repair Stations
  55. Organizing a Community Blood Drive
  56. Construction of a Sensory Garden for Special Needs
  57. Establishment of a Community Tool Lending Library
  58. Building Outdoor Amphitheaters for Events
  59. Installation of Community Wi-Fi Hotspots
  60. Creation of a Community Cookbook Garden
  61. Building Information Boards for Local Parks
  62. Installation of Outdoor Art Sculptures
  63. Establishment of a Community Recycling Program
  64. Construction of Pollinator Gardens
  65. Creation of a Community Yoga Space
  66. Building a Community Greenhouse
  67. Installation of Park Information Stations
  68. Establishment of a Community Education Center
  69. Construction of Batting Cages for Sports
  70. Creation of a Community Labyrinth
  71. Building Outdoor Chess or Checkers Stations
  72. Installation of Community Bulletin Boards
  73. Establishment of a Community Seed Library
  74. Construction of Outdoor Classrooms for Schools
  75. Creation of a Community Reading Nook
  76. Building Shade Structures for Playgrounds
  77. Installation of Public Art Installations
  78. Establishment of a Community Wildlife Sanctuary
  79. Construction of a Community Garden Shed
  80. Creation of a Butterfly House
  81. Building Outdoor Science Stations for Schools
  82. Installation of Community Bike Repair Stations
  83. Establishment of a Community Rain Garden
  84. Construction of Dog Agility Courses
  85. Creation of a Community Pet Adoption Center
  86. Building Outdoor Prayer or Meditation Spaces
  87. Installation of Outdoor Learning Stations
  88. Establishment of a Community Herb Garden
  89. Construction of Community Sports Fields
  90. Creation of a Community Photography Exhibit
  91. Building Outdoor Science Exploration Areas
  92. Installation of Public Piano Stations
  93. Establishment of a Community Geocaching Trail
  94. Construction of Outdoor Music Performance Areas
  95. Creation of a Community Artisan Market
  96. Building Outdoor Amphitheaters for Concerts
  97. Installation of Outdoor History Exhibits
  98. Establishment of a Community Weather Station
  99. Construction of Public Restrooms for Parks
  100. Creation of Outdoor Storytelling Circles
  101. Building a Community Farmers’ Market Pavilion


I hope these Eagle project ideas at least give you a place to start. Starting your Eagle project is definitely a daunting task but I’m sure you’ve got this. Good luck and as always, wishing you the best on your path to eagle!