Cell C Contract Application, Upgrade and Cancellation Process

Cell C Contract Application, Upgrade and Cancellation Process

The Cell C contract application, upgrade, and cancellation processes are open to contract subscribers only. The Cell C contract is a service that allows Cell C customers to join them on a contract for a specific number of months. The telecommunication organization is not the only company that offers this kind of option to customers; other networks do as well.

Subscribers of the Cell C contract do not pay cash when they purchase their desired cellphone or any other device. Instead, they are given certain months to pay for their gadget. Let’s get to know how to apply, upgrade, or cancel the Cell C contract.

What Exactly Is The Cell C Cellphone Contract?

The Cell C Cellphone contract is an offer by Cell C that allows subscribers to buy any gadget of their dreams, such as a cellphone, laptop, or tablet, without making payment instantly. Payments are made within certain months, after which the person decides the next step to take (regarding the contract) after completion of payment.

Cell C Contract Application, Upgrade and Cancellation Process

For instance, if you are someone that loves buying the latest phones or other devices, you can easily get them on contract from Cell C to pay later. However, certain requirements must be met before you can successfully seal the deal.

According to Cell C, these contracts usually run for 6,12,18, or 24 months, depending on what you purchased. Again, your income must be enough to cover the cost of buying the device. In other words, you will be able to buy a device in line with what you can afford.

Cell C equally runs a credit check on potential subscribers to determine their credit score. Only people with a positive credit score are given the contract, while people with a negative credit score are denied the opportunity to get the contract.

How To Apply For Cell C Contract Online

Cell C is yet to officially publish step-by-step procedures on how to apply for a Cell C contract online. Nevertheless, you can visit their official website to find out more on how to apply.

There are some unverified agencies that claim they help clients apply online for Cell C contracts. It’s up to you to check them out and how authentic their transactions are. You can visit this page for more information.

Cell C Online Contract Application Requirements

To apply for the Cell C contract online, here are the needed documents or requirements.

Your proof of income can either be a payslip or a bank statement. However, you must submit a bank statement that should go back three months. This is one of the ways Cell C can determine whether you would be able to make the payments on any contract or not.

As a potential subscriber to the Cell C contract, your proof of residence could be in the form of a water account or light account. However, you are also allowed to use a retail account as proof of address, but it is expected that it should be less than three months old.

In addition, the minimum monthly income that is required to get a contract from Cell C is R3000. For South Africans, you need a copy of your South African ID. However, foreign nationals residing in the country legally can use their passport when signing up for a contract with Cell C.

For clarity purposes, the type of bank account a subscriber runs with a bank determines the exact document to present. Here’s a breakdown of what this means:

1. Savings and Transmission Accounts

Potential subscribers who have either a saving account or transmission account will present:

2. Normal Current Account

Potential subscribers who run a current account will present:

3. Preferential Current Accounts

OR one month’s internet statements

4. Credit Card Accounts and Normal Credit Cards

5. Status Credit Cards and Private Banking

Cell C Contract Upgrade

Once you join Cell C as a contract subscriber, you automatically sign up for a 6,12,18, or 24-month contract with the telecommunication company, depending on your choice of contract duration.

Now, when a subscriber’s contract expires, it is expected that the subscriber will renew the contract. At this point, what this means is that the subscriber can now upgrade his device (if applicable) and enter into a new contract.

First, you must be sure that you are due for an upgrade before embarking on it. There are several ways to determine if you are due for an upgrade. They include:

1. Call 135

2. USSD Codes

Dial *147*9# from your cellphone number, and your upgrade date will be displayed.

3. Cell C Mobile App

4. Cell C Website

5. Self-Service IVR

6. Cell C store

Many subscribers do not know when they are due for an upgrade. According to the telecom company, subscribers can renew their contract in the following months:

Cell C contract upgrade is not entirely free for some subscribers while it is for others, depending on the method of upgrade. The way is being done is that the stores can charge you an administration fee of up to R150 when you upgrade your contract.

However, if the device that you have chosen is not covered by Cell C’s price plan, you will have to pay the amount of the cellphone that is not covered by the telecom company’s price plan. However, if you upgrade either through their Call Centre or online, you will not pay any upgrade fee.

There are so many benefits of upgrading your contract with Cell C. As gathered, here they are.

How To Transfer Data on Cell C

Note: For those who want to know when they will get their device

Other Important Facts to Know About Upgrading On Cell C Contract

How To Cancel Cell C Contract

To cancel your contract, do the following:


Does Cell C Provide Contract for Blacklisted?

After a thorough search, we could find an authentic document of Cell C agreeing to provide a contract for backlisted customers. In other words, it is difficult to tell if they do because there’s no information anywhere about the telecommunication company providing contracts for blacklisted customers or not. This could possibly mean that blacklisted do not qualify for the Cell C contract.

However, some agencies claim they help blacklisted customers get a new cellphone contract. Now being blacklisted means that a customer has a negative rating on his credit report, which is one of the common reasons customers are refused credit.

Payment defaults, administration orders, sequestration, or judgments are used to form a blacklist judgment. ATARA Finance, a South African online financial service provider, claim they can link customers with companies that can help them get a new Cellphone Contract and have all the benefits that a contract through Cell C can offer even if they are blacklisted.

According to the firm, you need the following to qualify:

Here Are Cell C Available Deals

1. Pinnacle Contract

The pinnacle contract covers your voice, SMS, and data need. The service allows subscribers to create their deals by choosing their preferred handset, contract term, and Pinnacle package.

This type of contract deal offers a range of wholesome plans at monthly pocket-friendly rates, including minutes, data, and SMS. On this package, unused benefits for the month are rolled over the next month.

Again, the lowest plan of 1GB goes for R129 while the highest plan on this contract (which is 20GB) is bought at R 999.



2. Smart Data

This contract deal on Cell C is specially designed for internet usage, especially for customers who oscillate between large data consumption and infrequent internet usage. It is for customers who are willing to have a long-term data contract that can run from
12-36 months.

The lowest offering on this contract is 1GB, and it goes for an R79 monthly fee, while the highest, 100GB, is bought at R 1699.

Customers who pay for this data contract—as a monthly subscription are given a data-only SIM card that can be used on any internet-enabled device.



Truth is, customers on bot packages save lots of money, but we can’t tell how much they save.

How To Pay Your Cell C Contract

Contract customers can view and pay their bills online and via the Cell C app. However, you can receive general and technical support via their customer care on 135 from your Cell C number or 084 135 from alternative lines.

According to the network provider, the working hours start from 06h00 to 22h00 daily. The call wait times have also increased.

What Happens When My Cell C Contract Expires?

Once your contract expires, the contract will start running on a month-to-month basis. For instance, they say you have a 24-month contract with Cell C. At the end of 24 months, if you take no action, the contract will automatically expire.

At this point, you will be moved over to a per-month contract. Sadly, you will lose the promotional pricing that you may have been enjoying all along if this happens.

However, you still have some options relating to your Cell C contract. They include:

1. Renewal

Yes, you can choose to renew your contract with Cell C. Most customers who are happy with their current contract do this. So, you can go ahead to renew it.

2. Cancellation

Next, Cell C also allows its customers to cancel their contract when it expires. People who were not satisfied with their contract usually cancel their contract and what this entails is that they automatically end their relationship with the network provider.

Customers who choose to cancel their contract do not pay the penalty since cancellation will be happening at the end of the agreed-upon period.

3. New Cell C Contract

It’s also possible for you to get a different contract from Cell C. Perhaps you received a shiny phone as part of your current contract. And now you wish to change the phone because it is old and obsolete, so you can also get a new one through a new contract.

The best option to take regarding your contract is to either renew or cancel it before it expires because once the contract is moved to a monthly basis, you will be denied any promotional pricing that you may have had all along.