Military Taxes: Figuring Gross Income

For servicemembers, the first step to filing taxes is to figure the gross income. Members of the Armed Forces receive many different types of pay and allowances. Some are includible in gross income while others are excludable. Includible items are subject to tax and must be reported on your tax return. Excludable items are not subject to tax, but may have to be shown on your tax return.

Fortunately, servicemembers can exclude many items from gross income. The following is a list of includible and excludable items for gross income for military personnel:

Includible Items

The following items are includible in gross income, unless the pay is for service in a combat zone (where special rules apply). You must include these items when computing your annual gross income.

Basic Pay

Special Pay


Other Payments

Excludable Items

The following items are excludable from gross income. The exclusion applies whether the item is furnished in kind or is a reimbursement or allowance.

Housing Allowances

You can deduct mortgage interest and real estate taxes on your home even if you pay these expenses with your BAH.

Moving Allowances

Family Allowances

Health Expenses and In-kind Benefits

Education Allowances and Benefits

Death Allowances

Travel Allowances

Other Excludable Payments

Excludable In-Kind Military Benefits

Excludable Special Pay

For more information on compensation for service while in a combat zone and qualified hazardous area, see Combat Zone Exclusion.

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